Bulletproof Your Core
Build a strong, toned core in just 10 minutes a day
If you’re still on-the-fence, check out how this technique helped other people:
A 35 year old man can stay active in the gym
A 70 year old woman improved running pace and completed 15 half marathons this year
A 29 year old new mom got back to her exercise routine and running without pain
A 68 year old man can do yard work and play with grandkids without back pain
A 32 year old woman got back to yoga
A 40 year old trainer was able to keep up with teaching all her classes
YES! This program was designed by a doctor of physical therapy and can be performed safely by most people. Has it has been a while since you exercised? This is a great place to start. Do you already have a fitness routine? This will make your workouts more effective. Did you let yourself go? This a great first step to get back on track. Are you worried you're too old? Nonsense. This technique has been taught to people of all ages!
While you can do this program with no equipment at all, some exercises are more effective with loop resistance bands and light weights.
Forever! You will also get access to any and all updates to the program that are created in the future.
People who have completed this program say that it is easier to do things around the house, care for kids/grandkids, that their workouts are more effective, and more! Runners say that it feels easier to run, they don't get out of breath as quickly, and feel like a stronger runner. You should feel a difference just by learning how to properly engage your core. As you go through each phase of the core strengthening program, you should feel progressively stronger.
This program does not replace medical advice. If you are currently experiencing pain, please get clearance from your favorite healthcare provider before starting this program.
If you have additional questions before starting the program, please contact Dr. Stephanie Duffey at [email protected].
The Core: What is it and why is it important?
Before You Begin
Components of the Core
4 For The Core Instructions for Women
4 For The Core Instructions for Men
4 For The Core: Step 1
4 For The Core: Step 2
4 For The Core: Step 3
4 For The Core: Step 4
Wait This Is So Weird! Core Recap and Thoughts
Core Strength Program Overview
Core Strength Program: Phase 1
Core Strength Program: Phase 2
Core Strength Program: Phase 3
Core Strength Program: Phase 4